Life Sciences

FHCA is the state’s largest long-term care association, representing 86% of the state’s nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. Through advocacy in the Florida Legislature, it works to strengthen the long-term care workforce and invest in programs and services that serve the well-being of Florida’s frail elders and individuals with disabilities. FHCA has 20 staffers, and Reed has been CEO for more than 15 years.
EDUCATION: Florida State University (BS)
IF I WERE GOVERNOR: I would set a goal for Florida to be known as the most senior-friendly state in America. With a holistic approach, I would ensure seniors have easy access to the information they need and ensure that the continuum of care is robustly funded. Crucial to those goals would be creating an environment that encourages individuals to pursue long-term care as a career and attracts highly qualified caregivers to call Florida their home.
INSPIRING FLORIDIAN: My wife, Heather Reed, who earned her biology degree from FSU and became a registered nurse. When we started a family, she decided to be a stay-home mom. She is the most dedicated mother to our three children and continues giving all of herself to them. I was able to achieve professional success in a field that required constant travel due to her passion for parenting, sacrifices and support of our family.
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