
Julian MacQueen
Founder & Chairman, Innisfree Hotels, Pensacola
MacQueen, who founded the company in 1986, describes Innisfree as a for-profit company striving to behave like a nonprofit. The company makes its money developing, owning and managing hotels, specializing in beachfront properties. It donates $1 million a year to causes related to racial equality, education and sustainability. “We have 1,600-2,000 (seasonal) employees, $250 million in revenue, 3,600 rooms, $1 billion in assets, and $750 million in our development pipeline,” MacQueen says. He adds: “We have formed and funded several programs in the community, including Parent University, offering a free parent-based curriculum to the underserved.”
EDUCATION: University of South Alabama (BS)
IF I WERE GOVERNOR: Tax breaks and incentives for the wealthy are a half-measure that needs to be augmented with social programs that empower our citizens of the lower socio-economic strata. We are only as good as the weakest sector in our communities. Education is the long-term solution, starting by enabling parents to engage and support their children’s learning.
READING: Barbarians to Bureaucrats: Corporate Life Cycle Strategies. Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln. I’m OK, You’re OK by Thomas A. Harris
INSPIRING FLORIDIAN: Although I am apolitical, I have been inspired by (state) Sen. Doug Broxson. Over the years, I have had the privilege of seeing him handle power and influence that many would find a way to abuse. His leadership’s humility is much more profound than the modesty many claim while in the public eye.
“Everything begins and ends with trust. Whether forming a company, negotiating a deal, engaging in community development, or gaining the loyalty of employees, trust is the initial building block. Walking the talk is imperative. People can sense when your words and your deeds do not match.”