Jonathan K. Hage
Founder & CEO, Charter Schools USA, Fort Lauderdale
Hage founded Charter Schools USA in 1997. The company opened its first school in 1998 and now has nearly 70,000 students on more than 70 campuses across the Southeast (65% of students are in Florida). “We are A-rated, graduating 96% of all students into leading colleges, the military and technical training for our workforce,” Hage says.
EDUCATION: University of Colorado (BA), Georgetown University (MA)
MENTOR: T. Willard Fair, longest serving CEO of the Miami Urban League. He’s been a friend and mentor for 30 years and his wisdom, experiences, perspectives and commitment to ensuring every child, regardless of race, religion or gender, is given the opportunity to start with an equal chance of success through the power of education, strong families and high expectations.
READING/LISTENING: I’ve become friends with Patrick Bet-David (a neighbor) and have been sharing his podcasts and books with others.
INSPIRING FLORIDIAN: I was inspired by Phil Handy (who just recently passed), a fellow board member with me on Jeb’s education foundation and lifelong believer in the goodness of others, education reform, civic service and decency.
“Success for me is to live a life of purpose, passion, integrity and grit. To never quit when I believe in something and inspire others to do the same.”