Philanthropy & Nonprofits

Wendy Spencer
President & CEO, Leadership Florida, Tallahassee
Leadership Florida is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that hosts programs each year in an experiential “class” format for Florida leaders who are selected through a competitive process. Now in its 42nd year, Leadership Florida members represent all sectors of Florida’s economy, and each class or cohort is composed of a diverse group of leaders by gender, race, geographic location, interests and occupations. These members learn about issues facing Florida and use this new network to grow professionally and personally. Spencer has served as the president and CEO for the past seven years. She also previously led the nation’s volunteer and national service federal agency. “In that role as CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, I was able to serve all 50 states plus territories in solving problems by granting funds for AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, VISTA and volunteers to address needs of communities,” she says.
EDUCATION: Valdosta State University (BS)
IF I WERE GOVERNOR: I would push for a world-class education K-12 system by insisting on excellence at every level from administrators to teachers and reward those excelling with pay and benefits on a true merit system.
READING: Good to Great, by Jim Collins
INSPIRING FLORIDIAN: I had the honor of serving Gov. Jeb Bush for five of his eight years in office. He led our state with purpose and conviction and allowed agency leaders like me to administer our agency with a goal of excellence.
MOTIVATIONAL MANTRA: Opportunities will find those who strive for excellence in their current positions.