Finance & Insurance

Mark K. Bennett
President & Southeast Region Executive, Business Banking, Bank of America, Jacksonville
Bank of America has about 69 million consumer, small and middle-market business clients in about 3,800 retail financial centers. As bank president and chair of the Jacksonville Chamber, Bennett partners with public and private organizations to deploy workforce-development programs and financial-education resources that address social concerns and strengthen economic opportunity across Florida.
EDUCATION: Florida State University (BS), University of Washington (MS)
IF I WERE GOVERNOR: Affordable housing and the shrinking workforce are uniquely tied together and continue to be impacted by early baby boomers. Addressing these issues first is an essential part of ensuring Florida can attract critical talent to drive the continued success of our state.
MENTOR: I had the privilege of serving as an assistant to coach Bobby Bowden for nearly five years covering coaching, database management, film study, game operations, memorabilia and marketing opportunities, recruiting, and speaking engagements. While watching coach Bowden finish up one of the most dominating runs in college football history, I learned how to lead by setting a consistent example and inspiring others though change with a process-oriented plan.
READING: The Leadership Challenge, by James Kouzes and Barry Posner
MOTIVATIONAL MANTRA: You can find an excuse, or you can find a solution to get it done. By committing to finding a solution and gravitating to complex assignments, challenges or roles, there will always be a great opportunity for personal growth overcoming whatever obstacle we face.