Finance & Insurance

Mario Trueba
First Horizon is a full-service commercial bank with more than 500 employees. Trueba has been at the company for 35 years, serving as either chief executive officer or regional president.
EDUCATION: Biscayne College, now St. Thomas University (BA), Florida International University (MBA)
IF I WERE GOVERNOR: How do we perpetuate the special place that we call Florida, for generations to come? Our success is not guaranteed and should not be taken for granted, as there are many issues, including: fresh water, affordable housing, disaster resiliency to name a few, but as governor I would be very optimistic.
MENTOR: My father. Character, the value of an honest day’s work, and love for the United States meant much to him and, therefore, to me. He came to America in his mid-20s with a bride and two kids under 3 years old, with essentially nothing, other than a thirst for freedom. If I am half the man my Dad was, I know I have been a success.
MOTIVATIONAL MANTRA: Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.
WHAT I’VE LEARNED: The single most important lesson I have learned is embodied by the most important person in my life — my spouse, Susana. You can’t succeed alone, you need the right partner. I have been very lucky and blessed to have her.
“Having a purpose in life is the most important component to happiness.”