Finance & Insurance

Will Weatherford
Managing Partner, Weatherford Capital, Tampa
Weatherford Capital is a private investment firm with more than $1 billion in assets under management and offices in Tampa and Dallas. Weatherford, the former speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, founded the company in 2015 with his two brothers. He is chairman of the University of South Florida board of trustees.
EDUCATION: Jacksonville University (BS)
IF I WERE GOVERNOR: I wouldn't mess up a good thing. Florida has all the momentum in the world right now. Keep education quality high, and taxes low.
MENTOR: Jeb Bush. He gave me great advice as a young legislator 18 years ago and remains a close friend and mentor to this day. Florida was lucky to have had him as our governor!
READING: I love the book Grit, by Angela Duckworth. Life is full of unanticipated hardships and challenges. How we overcome that adversity is what defines us.
INSPIRING FLORIDIAN: Allan Bense, the former speaker of the Florida House of Representatives. He gave me my first job in politics and then let me marry his daughter years later.
MOTIVATIONAL MANTRA: Pressure is a privilege. Embrace the challenges you face!