Professional Services

Rbb, which Barney founded in 2001, offers creative services, digital marketing and public relations focusing on renewables and energy, travel and leisure, consumer marketing and health care sectors. She is the former chair of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce and South Florida Business Council and sits on the boards of the Orange Bowl Committee and the International Women’s Forum.
EDUCATION: Ithaca College (BS)
IF I WERE GOVERNOR: I would be getting the word out that South Florida is the economic engine for the state and budget allocations back to our community and region are inadequate.
MENTOR: I’ve had many mentors in my life. The first was my first female boss who taught me how to stand up for myself rather than sit back and watch. The next was the former owner of my firm who challenged me at every turn to step up, think big and focus on results and not effort. Lastly, I’ve learned from each of my three children. They keep me real, help me stay relevant and open my mind to new ideas every day.
INSPIRING FLORIDIAN: Arva Moore Parks, the godmother of Miami’s historical preservation, was relentless in her advocacy for preserving Miami's rich history.
WHAT I’VE LEARNED: Have a big windshield and a tiny rear-view mirror. This mindset allows you to avoid regrets, turn errors into opportunities and focus on a better tomorrow.