Professional Services

Schwartz Media Strategies, founded in 2005, is a Miami-based integrated communications and public affairs firm specializing in high-impact media relations, digital media and content marketing campaigns. The firm focuses on serving clients with a stake in real estate, hospitality, banking and finance, legal and professional services, economic development and arts and culture.
EDUCATION: University of Florida (BA)
MENTOR: Phyllis Apple was a public relations icon who built one of the most reputable PR firms in Florida. She was my first boss and instilled in me the core values which lead our company today: strong work ethic; accountability; service; and trust.
READING: The Obstacle is the Way, by Ryan Holiday. Will we be blocked by daily obstacles, or will we advance through and over them? Mindset is the key.
INSPIRING FLORIDIAN: Constance Collins. Nearly twenty years ago Constance quit her job as a high-powered real estate executive and attorney and founded Lotus House, a homeless shelter for women and children located in Miami’s Overtown community. Lotus House is recognized as a national model and 80% of its nearly 1,500 annual guests successfully exit the shelter system. Our agency provides pro bono services for Lotus House, and I’m proud to serve on its board of directors.