
Gary C. Rosen
Managing Shareholder & CEO, Becker, Fort Lauderdale
Rosen joined the Becker law firm in 1982, rose to become chairman of its litigation practice, then became managing shareholder and CEO in 2012. Headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Becker has grown to more than 130 attorneys and lobbyists in 15 offices in Florida, New York, New Jersey and Washington, D.C. Rosen helped to establish a professionalism and civility magistrate pilot program in Broward County Circuit Court. Through an initiative called Becker Gives Back, the firm partners with a variety of nonprofit organizations. Rosen is a past chair of the United Way of Broward County.
EDUCATION: Brandeis University (BA), Catholic University (JD)
IF I WERE GOVERNOR: Florida faces two challenges above all others: sea level rise and affordable housing. Without an effective response to climate change, our coastline will be unrecognizable in the lifetime of most of our current residents, with devastating economic consequences. Similarly, state government investment in affordable housing must be substantially increased — it cannot be left to local government to solve this problem. Without it, we may well see a net population outflow with resulting negative impact on skilled labor and business.
READING: Think Again, by Adam Grant