Real Estate

Greg West
ZOM Living is a leading luxury multifamily developer that has developed over 24,000 apartment units nationwide. West has worked at ZOM for 27 years, and the company has over 50 employees. Most recently, ZOM established a seniors housing division, with three seniors housing communities recently delivered in Florida. West also is an Urban Land Institute Americas Executive Committee member and is a ULI Governor. “My work at ULI has help shape very difficult conversations about sea level rise,” he says. “Solutions are very diverse and complicated involving all stakeholders in the community. Bringing so many people together to coalesce around such challenging topics is what makes supporting ULI so rewarding.”
EDUCATION: Southern Methodist University (BA), Texas A&M (MS)
IF I WERE GOVERNOR: I would focus on making our education system at all levels and in all communities the envy of the nation. The sustainability of our community is shaped by our ability to support and inspire our children.
“Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, The Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History”