Real Estate

Husein Cumber
FECI is the parent company of Brightline, which is the first privately owned and operated intercity passenger rail system developed in the U.S. in over 100 years. Brightline Florida connects Miami to Orlando and may eventually extend to Tampa. The company’s second project, Brightline West, broke ground in early 2024 and will connect Southern California to Las Vegas. FECI also has a real estate business focused on industrial opportunities in Miami and transit-oriented development.
EDUCATION: Duke University (BA)
READING: Elon Musk, by Walter Isaacson. Putting aside his unique personal life characteristics, I enjoyed learning about Elon’s focus to push corporate boundaries and motivate his teammates by working literally alongside them.
INSPIRING FLORIDIAN: Wayne Huizenga. Successful businessman who stayed humble until the end. And always valued and put family first. Wayne opened his rolodex to further the careers of young people throughout his life.
MOTIVATIONAL MANTRA: Always write thank you notes. It’s a forgotten way of showing appreciation.
WHAT I’VE LEARNED: You must show up. This can have multiple meanings. Today it means showing up to the office to interact with your colleagues. And it means being prepared for every meeting and actively contributing. It also means that if you create a vacuum, someone will be ready to fill it and move ahead of you.