Real Estate

Matthew A. Rieger
Housing Trust Group is a multifamily real estate company that develops, builds and manages a diverse portfolio of affordable, workforce, market-rate and senior housing across the country. The company is one of the nation’s leading developers of affordable housing and has created more than 6,000 affordable apartments since inception. Rieger joined the company in 2004 and has led a team of 200 professionals since being appointed CEO and president in 2011. In addition to many community efforts, the company is focusing its philanthropic efforts to support formerly homeless families through a new affordable apartment complex underway in Brevard County. “I’m proud that we have eradicated some of the stigma around affordable housing,” Rieger says.
EDUCATION: University of Florida (BA), Nova Southeastern University (JD)
IF I WERE GOVERNOR: My first priority would be a budget that allows us to address the affordable housing crisis.
LISTENING/READING: Podcast recommendation: Acquired; Book recommendation: Dark Calories by Dr. Catherine Shanahan.
WHAT I’VE LEARNED: ‘Buy land; they’re not making it anymore.’