Real Estate

Scott Moss
Moss is a national construction firm with more than 1,500 salaried employees and 4,000 hourly workers. It’s focused on construction management, solar installation and design-build. As for Moss, he got his start in construction at 17 as a laborer on a concrete-forming crew. He started Moss in 2004 with his father and brother, and became CEO in 2020. The $3-billion company spans the country with offices in Hawaii, California and Texas. Projects include practice facilities for the Tampa Bay Lightning and Miami Dolphins, Brightline stations in South Florida, utility-scale solar projects and more. Moss is an advisory board member of the Urban Land Institute’s Southeast Florida/Caribbean chapter. He serves on the Governor’s Florida Council of 100.
EDUCATION: University of Florida (BS)
MENTOR: Louyse Poirier. She taught me the importance of Strategy, Structure and People, in that order. It has changed who Moss is today.
READING/LISTENING: The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni and the podcast At the Table with Patrick Lencioni.
“I’d increase the pay of teachers and reward those teachers that get the best results.”